Monday, September 26, 2011

Political Bio

I must be honest..I did not care much about politics until I had children. It was then that I opened my eyes to what was going on in the world and how it affects me and my family. I would say I am "middle of the row" on a lot of things, yet hold firm beliefs in certain values upheld by each political party. I am pro life to the maximum extent, so naturally that puts me on the right. I'm not wealthy and I am a single mom so I apt to agree more with the Democratic views on issues pertaining to the middle class.Webster's defintion of politics is:

"a : the art or science of government b : the art or science concerned with guiding or influencing governmental policy c : the art or science concerned with winning and holding control over a government"
I believe it has extended past that in recent years. It seems everything has become political. Whether it be Pop Warner football or the school PTA, "politics" rule. It's a shame actually because we have as a society digressed so far from what I believe our founding father's intended for government and politics to be and pertain to, that it is a joke.

I took both the civics and current events quiz. I did quite well on current events, not so much on the other. I attribute that to my personality which is more apt to live and learn about the present rather than the past.

I would say that most recently what shapes my views are the disappointment in our own country. It would seem we care more about fighting other country's battles than our own, being too involved, not caring enough about our own citizens and the immigration issue. The economy is awful and people need help here right now, not halfway across the world. Our money should be spent helping us!
That's Erin's opinion for the day:) 

My first GOVT post
